Two-in-one tool grinding-PES Media

2021-11-24 02:59:32 By : Ms. Jasmine Lueng

So far, the economical manufacture of cylindrical cutting tools requires the use of at least two grinders.

First, a blank is required to prepare a cylindrical grinder, and then one or even two multi-axis grinders are required to grind the neck, groove and end tip of the tool. This is because although these operations can theoretically be completed on a multi-axis tool grinder, the process is inefficient and not cost-effective due to the small diameter of the grinding wheel and the high speed of the headstock. Low, resulting in long cycle time. The tool support outside the headstock also means that deflection occurs during the grinding process unless the cutting feed is kept to a minimum.  

The innovative hybrid design of Rollomatic's new GrindSmart 660XW grinder overcomes these problems and combines the power and performance of the blank preparation cylindrical grinder claimed by the manufacturer for the first time with the flexibility of a multi-axis tool grinder to achieve all processing on the same machine The operation was performed with one automatic operation and one clamping. Therefore, the cutting tool can be processed in an efficient single grinding process.

Rollomatic's GrindSmart 660XW tool grinder made its debut at the recent EMO exhibition in Milan, which also brought a huge increase in production efficiency for tool manufacturers. Since lengthy settings on multiple machines are completely avoided, and part of the finished tools is not required to process and store between machines, the cost savings are very considerable.

According to Rollomatic, the typical production efficiency of the traditional multi-machine production method of standard end mills is about 11%, while on the Rollomatic 660XW, this efficiency is increased to about 82%. It can also save the required manpower, and because the machine occupies a small footprint, it requires less floor space. 

The machine is equipped with a large-capacity loader that can hold up to 1,360 tools in six pallets and uses the latest linear motor technology on each axis. The powerful 14kW constant torque synchronous grinding spindle ensures the maximum grinding efficiency for all types of tools with diameters from 0.1 to 12.7mm.

It has four linear axes and two rotary axes. Rollomatic said that the "unique" aspect is a specially designed working head, which is the same as the one used on its blank preparation cylindrical grinder, runs at 3,000 rpm, and is mounted on its own linear CNC axis, allowing Rollomatic's own The stripping grinding process quickly and efficiently prepares the blank for cylindrical grinding. For drill grinding applications, a special innovative stabilizer combines the best tool support for groove grinding and tip grinding.

It should be pointed out that this is a newly designed grinder. Although it combines all the necessary grinding operations, it is actually smaller than the standard 5-axis and 6-axis tool grinders that do not have true cylindrical grinding capabilities. Like all Rollomatics, it is also very accurate-it can easily maintain a tight tolerance of only 2µm on tool runout of high-volume tools. Like all Rollomatic grinders, this model comes with a three-year unlimited parts and labor warranty.

660XW provides all tool software for free. Regular updates for life are also free.

Rollomatic's goal when developing this new high-efficiency lean grinding process was to remove as many operations without added value as possible. This is because multiple machine setups are no longer needed, work in progress has been more or less eliminated, and there is no intermediate inventory of batch tools waiting to be transferred from one machine to another.

Chris Boraston of Advanced Grinding Solutions, Rollomatic's UK agent in the UK and Ireland commented: "The positive feedback from major tool manufacturers is surprising because they found that Rollomatic's new ultra-efficient lean grinding process can produce their tools. What to do. The huge benefits of simplified production management not only make production easier to control; substantial labor cost savings and the elimination of non-value-added services make tool manufacturers truly competitive in the market." 

"He continued: "The significant reduction in delivery time brought about by this one-time processing method is also very important, because there is no need to wait for the second or third grinding machine to be available, and if fast batch tools are required, the rough can be hardened. The ability to load alloy rods into the 660XW machine and obtain fully finished tools from them is a huge benefit.

“Rollomatic continues to focus on smart grinding. When you see a machine that increases production efficiency from 11% to over 80%, it’s clear that these numbers will excite the industry. We have every reason to believe that this machine It will change the way the industry grinds tools."

Advanced Grinding Solutions

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